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An introduction to ChatGPT: Getting started with Prompt Engineering

Updated: May 28

What is AI

Today, AI has forayed into almost every aspect of our lives - from even the most basic apps for grocery shopping to digital appliances like smart TVs, etc. Our reliance on AI and AI-powered services has been constantly on the rise. Now let's understand more by discussing the most popular AI-service today – OpenAI's ChatGPT. 

ChatGPT: An AI-powered Chatbot


ChatGPT is one of the most advanced chatbots today because it can effortlessly interpret any input in human language, process the questions (or input), and generate an appropriate response. Very similar to a personal assistant.


But this is an over-simplification. It is capable of being much more than just a prompt tool. Let me go into all those details in this article. 

What is ChatGPT? When was it introduced? 

ChatGPT was launched publicly on November 30, 2022, by its maker – OpenAI, an AI research organization. ChatGPT is a Generative-AI technology that can not only understand but also generate human-like text/ content. In other words, it is an NLP (Natural Language processing) tool that can effectively process content in natural language, thus enabling free flowing and real-time conversations between humans and a chatbot powered by AI-technology. 


ChatGPT can act as a ‘Google search’ alternative, it can provide marketing assistance by helping write high-quality content for Copy-writing, Story-telling, Social-media blurbs, it can debug code/ write new code in software engineering, it can be used to explain difficult concepts in a simple manner, and it can do much more to improve productivity and eliminate manual effort... 

What is ChatGPT used for?  


ChatGPT is typically used for answering simple questions; it can even compose an essay; you can have a normal conversation; and it can help in doing math and even coding for you. 


ChatGPT can help with many things, not just big tasks. For example, I use ChatGPT to help plan my weekly meals. It gives me recipes, creates them, and even suggests what to cook each day. This makes meal planning easy and saves me time. There are countless ways ChatGPT can simplify everyday tasks. 


How to Signup/ Login to ChatGPT? 


To utilize ChatGPT, it is necessary to have an account with OpenAI. 


Create an account on OpenAI here:



Proceed through further steps: setting up a password and phone number, verifying the email address, and accepting the terms and conditions. Ensure to review the steps carefully before agreeing to them. 


After agreeing to terms and conditions, we are now set up to use ChatGPT by starting our first prompt. 

How do I write an accurate Prompt? 


ChatGPT's ability to generate text and provide answers is remarkable, but not every response it generates may be accurate. You might have to modify your prompts once or twice to obtain the desired answer. To write effective prompts you must: 


1. Provide sufficient context 

Before writing a prompt, ensure clarity and be very specific so that the AI understands your question, clearly identifies your main objective, and tailors your question accordingly. 


2. Improve your prompts with examples  

Including examples in your prompts provides ChatGPT with a structure, leading to responses that are more accurate and pertinent. 


3. Set boundaries for ChatGPT to enhance results 

Apply constraints to the prompts, like setting a maximum word or character count, for the best possible result. For example, ask for a brief, 30-word product review with specific keywords and phares. 

4. Phrase questions properly

Careful phrasing of your questions is crucial. Be specific and offer context to avoid vague, open-ended inquiries. For example, instead of asking, "Tell me about service Y," you can ask, Tell me about the benefits of service Y for professionals. 

Conversing with ChatGPT 

ChatGPT is built on a database of infinite knowledge from data available on the internet and the many books written in the past. However, you need to realise that you cannot rely on ChatGPT to be 100% accurate every time.  

Limitations of ChatGPT: 


Like any AI technology, ChatGPT comes with its own set of weaknesses and challenges that can impact its performance and accuracy. Here are a few limitations that come to the top of my mind: 


1. Inaccurate responses 


Despite ChatGPT being exposed to a large amount of data, it sometimes doesn't understand prompts and provides incorrect information. While it can generate data on various subjects, it tends to provide hazy answers at times when it comes to niche topics.  


2. Contextual void 


ChatGPT faces difficulties in understanding the context, particularly when it comes to sarcasm and humor. For example, if you include sarcasm in your question, ChatGPT may not understand it properly and respond to you in a different way. 


3. Cannot handle multiple tasks at the same time 


ChatGPT performs best when it’s given a single task or objective to focus on. If you ask ChatGPT to perform multiple tasks at once, it will struggle to priorities them, which will lead to a decrease in effectiveness and accuracy. 


4. Grammatical mistakes 


ChatGPT may not catch all typos, grammatical errors, or misspellings due to its current limitations. Additionally, responses generated by the model might be technically correct but may lack accuracy in terms of context or relevance. 


5. Requirement for fine-tuning  


Fine-tuning is essential when using ChatGPT for very specific purposes. It involves training the model on a particular dataset to enhance its performance for a specific task or objective. The process can be time-consuming and resource intensive. 


ChatGPT Pricing & Assistance   


ChatGPT comes in both free and paid versions. Whether you're writing, coding, or engaging in various activities, ChatGPT provides exceptional capabilities and assistance at no cost. However, for those seeking extra perks, there is a subscription option available at $20 per month. 


Subscribers enjoy advantages such as guaranteed access during peak times and faster response times. Additionally, subscribing provides access to the latest AI version, GPT-4. While the free version (GPT-3.5) is excellent, the subscription model offers additional benefits for users looking for more. 


What is GPT-4? 


The acronym GPT stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformer. This neural network employs machine learning to comprehend data and produce responses, serving as the underlying language model for the widely used chatbot, ChatGPT. The latest iteration of this model is GPT-4, representing an advancement over the GPT-3.5 model that drives the free edition of ChatGPT. 


What is the difference between ChatGPT-3 and ChatGPT-4? 


GPT-3 appeared impressive, with 175 billion parameters offering the AI prompt responses within seconds. It is generally expected that GPT-4 will involve an expansion of these parameters, promising even more precise and focused replies. OpenAI has officially stated that GPT-4 is stronger, can manage input and output containing up to 25,000 words, and can provide accurate responses. 


A major difference in GPT-4 is its introduction of multimodal functionality to the GPT model. This enhancement enables GPT-4 to not only process text inputs but also incorporate images, videos, web design, etc., though its responses are in text.  

ChatGPT 3.5 vs ChatGPT 4





Available through ChatGPT Plus subscription 

Publicly available for free 


$20 per month 


Multimodal Functionality 

Yes (text, images, voice) 


Parameter Size 

Approximately 100 trillion parameters 

175 billion parameters 

Short-term Memory 

Extends to around 64,000 words 

Around 8,000 words (expected to grow to 128,000) 

Internet Access 

Yes, through 'Browse with Bing' feature 

No (except for ChatGPT Plus) 

Up-to-Date Information 

Yes, can provide information on current events 

Limited to knowledge up to late 2021 

 Plugin Support 

Yes, exclusive to ChatGPT-4 Plus subscribers 


Domains where ChatGPT is prominent: Exploring ChatGPT Applications 


Since ChatGPT's launch, it has not only gained huge popularity but has become an integral aspect of operations in both technical and non-technical domains. Let me explain how. 


1. Customer support with ChatGPT 


In the realm of customer support, businesses are leveraging ChatGPT to streamline and improve interactions through automated chatbots. This innovative application aids in responding to frequently asked questions, delivering information about products or services, and addressing common issues. 


2. ChatGPT's role in Content Creation 


ChatGPT has started playing a prominent role in content creation, assisting creators with blog posts, social media captions, and more by enabling the generation of ideas, expanding on topics, and contributing to the overall writing process. 


3. Education transformed by ChatGPT 


The education sector welcomes ChatGPT as a virtual tutor, supporting students with answers to their queries, explanations of complex concepts, and assistance with homework. Language learning benefits from ChatGPT's involvement, offering practice exercises and stimulating conversations. 


4. Creative Writing with ChatGPT 


Professionals like writers, authors, and storytellers embrace ChatGPT as a creative ally. It serves to generate story ideas, develop characters, and craft engaging dialogue by simulating human-like conversations. 


5. Accelerating software testing 


In software testing automation, ChatGPT increases the speed of the entire testing process. Despite ChatGPT not being an automation testing tool, its application extends to test case generation, test data generation, test script automation, result analysis, and the generation of comprehensive test reports. 


6. The role of ChatGPT in Coding 


Developers find ChatGPT valuable when it comes to generating code snippets. It is also capable of providing suggestions and guidance throughout the software development process. 


7. How Product managers can leverage ChatGPT 


ChatGPT can assist product managers in brainstorming ideas, performing market and user research, analysing various data sources such as app store reviews and user feedback, and generating content.   


8. Media and Entertaiment industry 


ChatGPT is not only entertaining with random text prompts but also holds the potential to revolutionise the media and entertainment industry, aiding filmmakers, scriptwriters, journalists, and other professionals in various creative ways. 


Verdict: Human Expertise vs. ChatGPT 


While ChatGPT proves to be a powerful tool for generating suggestions and code, it's essential to clarify that it cannot replace human expertise.  





In conclusion, ChatGPT emerges as a versatile and powerful tool with applications spanning customer support, content creation, education, creative writing, software testing, and developer assistance. Its ability to generate responses and code snippets contributes to increased efficiency in various industries.  


However, it is crucial to acknowledge its limitations, including occasional inaccuracies, contextual challenges, and the need for fine-tuning. As we anticipate the advancements brought by GPT-4, the evolving landscape of AI continues to reshape how we approach tasks and problem-solving. Whether as a virtual tutor, creative ally, or coding assistant, ChatGPT offers valuable support, complementing human expertise in diverse fields. 


If you're interested in acquiring knowledge about ChatGPT, then I urge you to reach out to Skill Up Right’s ChatGPT Training programme here at ChatGPT Course Page | SkillUpRight   







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